Hannah's Child: A Theologian's Memoir

Hannah's Child: A Theologian's Memoir

In the categoy "Books Worth Waiting for" you definitively find Hauerwas' upcoming memoirs: Hannah's Child: A Theologian's Memoir (Eerdmans, May 15 2010). About it John Wright writes:

I think that this will be one of Professor Hauerwas' most important works -- if not his most important. There is irony in Hauerwas writing a memoir in light of his theological emphases; but when one reads the work, one cannot but give thanks to God that God made Stanley a theologian because he couldn't get "saved." It has a poetic quality, a flowing prose,a dramatic story-line, Stan's straight forward honesty. It will demand a wide audience, and rank with noted spiritual biographies. (Pre-publication Readings)

Bild för Bengt Rasmusson

Av Bengt Rasmusson

Bengt Rasmusson är teolog, förläggare och mediakonsult.

Bengt Rasmusson is a theologian, publisher and a media consultant.

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