Barth on the "Wholly Other" as paganism

Barth on the "Wholly Other" as paganism

Last Sunday was the 123rd anniversary of Karl Barth's birth. Here is one quote from his Church Dogmatics which have followed me for over 25 years and definitively did chaken my view of God ever since.

"We may believe that God can and must only be absolute in contrast to all that is relative, exalted in contrast to all that is lowly, active in contrast to all suffering, inviolable in contrast to all temptation, transcendent in contrast to all immanence, and therefore divine in contrast to everything human, in short, that he can and must be only the 'Wholly Other'. But such beliefs are shown to be quite untenable, and corrupt and pagan, by the fact that God does in fact be and do this in Jesus Christ." (IV/1, p. 186)

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Posted by Bengt Rasmusson

Bengt Rasmusson är teolog, förläggare och mediakonsult.

Bengt Rasmusson is a theologian, publisher and a media consultant.

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