"To choose leadership by lot"

"To choose leadership by lot"

"What kind of community do you need to choose leadership by lot?" Hauerwas talks about leadership in a really interesting way. He changes focus and talks not about what kind of leadership you need to create a specific community but goes the other way around.

Fredrik Wenell's picture

Posted by Fredrik Wenell

Fredrik Wenell, Teol dr, lektor på Örebro Teologiska Högskola i Tros- och Livsåskådningsvetenskap. Arbetar också som konsulent på Sveriges kristna råd i frågor som rör barn och ungdomar. Han har varit pastor inom Evangeliska Frikyrkan (Hyllie Park Kyrkan, Malmö och Johanneskyrkan, Linköping) i knappt tio år. 

Fredrik Wenell, PhD in Systematic Theology and World View Studies, lecturer at Örebro School of Theology and works as advisor in questions about Children and Youth work at Swedish Church Council. He has been a pastor in Evangelical Free Church (InterAct) for ten years.

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