För er som gillar Yoder och radikalreformatorisk teologi kommer snart Alex Siders nya bok ut: To See History Doxologically: History and Holiness in John Howard Yoder’s Ecclesiology (Eerdmans, 9780802865731).
Om boken skriver förlaget: "For many Christians today, the church is not holy — it is difficult. In To See History Doxologically, however, J. Alexander Sider argues that it is precisely when the church acknowledges and confronts its many faults and frailties that its holiness is made manifest. Sider develops an understanding of John Howard Yoder’s eschatology and, most especially, his ecclesiology — teaching which, Sider says, exhorts the church to engage in a continual reassessment of its relationships to others and to its own past. What emerges from this in-depth study is an account of the church’s holiness as consisting in its patient, deliberate, and repentant recognition of its own capacity to betray the gospel."
Comments (1)
Det låter mycket intressant. Från min läsning av JHY verlkar det vara en väldigt spännande och användbar läsning av honom. Måste läggas till den redan långa listan av måste läsas böcker.
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