A strongly Christological Trinitarianism dominated much of twentieth-century theology. In current academic theology, however, there is more talk about God and religion than about Jesus Christ as such.
To remember well is to remember as a human being and a community that does not have the desire to take revenge but for reconciliation.
This thesis asks questions about memory and reconciliation. The aim of the thesis has been to analyze - based Misoslav Volf's och Jonathan Tran's theologies of memory - how one from a Christian perspective remembers well.
This thesis studies how two contemporary theologians – the German reformed systematic theologian Jürgen Moltmann and the American catholic moral theologian Paul Wadell – relate and contribute to the broad Christian tradition of friendship when it comes to friendship theology in general and friendship and church in particular.
Is a theologically informed vision of politics, a vision that can help the church to break out of its captivity to myths of modernity, possible? The Catholic and Radical Orthodoxy theologian William Cavanaugh believes so.
Even if not quite an Barthian bombshell, John Milbank’s Theology and Social Theory: Beyond Secular Reason did really chock its audience when it first appeared more than one and half decade ago.
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